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How Chickens Make Eggs

How a Hen Makes an Egg Blog
How a Hen Makes an Egg Blog from wranglernetwork.com


Chickens are fascinating creatures that play a vital role in our food production. One of the most remarkable things about chickens is their ability to lay eggs. In this article, we will explore the intriguing process of how chickens make eggs.

The Egg Formation Process

The egg formation process in chickens is a complex and intricate one. It all starts with a young hen reaching maturity, usually around 5-6 months old, when she starts producing eggs. The process begins in the hen's reproductive system.

Step 1: Ovulation

Ovulation is the first step in egg production. It occurs when a mature egg is released from the hen's ovary. The egg then travels through the oviduct, which is a long, twisted tube in the hen's body.

Step 2: Albumen Formation

As the egg moves through the oviduct, the hen's body begins to form the albumen, also known as the egg white. The albumen provides essential proteins and water to nourish the developing embryo.

Step 3: Shell Gland Secretion

Once the albumen is formed, the egg enters the shell gland, where the shell is created. The shell gland secretes calcium carbonate, which forms the hard outer shell of the egg. It takes approximately 20 hours for the shell to fully develop.

Step 4: Pigment Deposition

After the shell is formed, the egg moves through the uterus, where pigment is deposited on the shell. This pigment gives the egg its characteristic color, whether it be white, brown, or even blue or green in some cases.

Step 5: Egg Laying

Finally, after the pigment is deposited, the fully-formed egg is ready to be laid. The hen contracts her muscles to push the egg out of her body through the vent, which is the opening used for both egg-laying and waste elimination.

Egg Production Cycle

Once a hen starts laying eggs, she will continue to do so regularly, typically producing an egg every 24-26 hours. However, it's essential to note that not all eggs are fertile. Hens do not require a rooster to lay eggs; they will do so naturally.


Understanding how chickens make eggs is not only intriguing but also crucial for those involved in poultry farming or anyone curious about the origins of their food. The complex process of egg formation showcases the incredible capabilities of these remarkable creatures.

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