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How To Tell If Chicken Eggs Are Viable

egg chart for incubation Google Search Egg chart, Chicken diy, Egg
egg chart for incubation Google Search Egg chart, Chicken diy, Egg from www.pinterest.co.uk


When it comes to raising chickens, knowing whether the eggs they lay are viable or not is crucial. Viable eggs have the potential to hatch into healthy chicks, while non-viable eggs are essentially just for consumption. In this article, we will provide you with some tips on how to determine if your chicken eggs are viable.

1. Observe the Shell

The first step is to examine the eggshell. Viable eggs typically have a clean and intact shell without any cracks or deformities. If the shell is damaged, it is more likely that the egg is not viable.

2. Check for Egg Weight

Hold the egg in your hand and feel its weight. Viable eggs are generally heavier than non-viable ones. This is because viable eggs contain a developing embryo, which adds weight to the overall egg.

3. Candle the Egg

Candling is a technique that involves shining a bright light through the egg to see its contents. This can be done by placing the egg in front of a light source or using a specialized candling device. Viable eggs will show signs of development, such as visible veins or a dark spot known as the embryo.

4. Monitor Egg Movement

Occasionally, gently rotate the egg in your hand. Viable eggs often have a slight movement or wiggle when turned due to the developing embryo inside. Non-viable eggs, on the other hand, will feel more stationary.

5. Smell Test

Give the egg a gentle sniff. Viable eggs generally have a neutral or slightly earthy smell. If the egg emits a foul odor, it is likely not viable and should be discarded.

6. Time Factor

Consider the period of time since the egg was laid. Viable eggs typically hatch within 21 days, so if it has been significantly longer than that, it is less likely to be viable.

7. Consult an Expert

If you are unsure about the viability of an egg, it is always best to seek advice from a poultry expert or a knowledgeable chicken keeper. They can provide you with valuable insights and help determine the chances of the egg hatching.

8. Patience is Key

Remember that not all eggs will be viable, and that's okay. Sometimes, despite our best efforts, nature takes its course. Patience is key when dealing with eggs, as it can take time for the embryo to develop and for signs of viability to become more apparent.


Determining the viability of chicken eggs is an essential skill for any chicken keeper. By carefully observing the shell, weight, movement, and using techniques like candling, you can increase your chances of identifying viable eggs. However, it is important to remember that no method is foolproof, and sometimes eggs may not hatch even if they appear to be viable. Keep learning, experimenting, and seeking advice from experts to improve your understanding of egg viability.

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